Tuesday 22 November 2016

Arbi Fried Recipe


1/4 tsp ajwain 
chilli powder to taste 
rock salt to taste 
2-3 green chillies 
a pinch of mango powder 
1/2 kg arbi 
1/4 tsp coriander powder 
2 tbsp ginger

How to make arbi fried :

  • Boil the arbi.
  • Cool, take off and slice each into two.
  • Heat up the oil and fry the cut arbi till slightly browned.
  • Mix in 1 tbsp oil and heat up in a wok.
  • Meanwhile make a paste of ginger and green chillies.
  • Mix in the paste to the heated oil and stir fry for a few minutes.
  • Mix in the fried arbi and stir fry on a slow fire.
  • Simultaneously mix in salt, coriander powder, mango powder, ajwain and mix well.

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